(04141) 79 75 00


Am Hohen Felde 40

21682, Stade

Mo.-Do. 07:00 - 15:30
Fr. 07:00 - 13:30

Besuch aus der Msiteli High School an der IGS Stade

Vom 3. bis 15. Ok­to­ber er­folgt der Ge­gen­be­such aus Sim­bab­we: Sechs Mit­glie­der der Schul­ge­mein­schaft aus der Msi­te­li High School kom­men nach Nord­deutsch­land: Der Schul­lei­ter Can­ny Vund­la, die Leh­re­rin Miri Noko, der Leh­rer Man­dlen­ko­si Zulu, die Schü­le­rin­nen Are­tha Cha­pen­da­ma und Bu­keki­le Nka­la so­wie der Schü­ler Cuth­bert Mat­hut­hu. Alle wer­den in Fa­mi­li­en der IGS-Schul­ge­mein­schaft untergebracht.

Ne­ben Hos­pi­ta­tio­nen in der Schu­le ist auch hier ein gro­ßer Schwer­punkt des Aus­tau­sches die ge­mein­sa­me Ar­beit an The­men, die auf die Nach­hal­tig­keits-Zie­le der Ver­ein­ten Na­tio­nen aus­ge­rich­tet sind.

In der ers­ten Be­suchs­wo­che steht eine Stadt­füh­rung auf dem Pro­gramm (in­klu­si­ve Emp­fang bei Bür­ger­meis­ter Hart­lef). Ein be­son­de­rer Hö­he­punkt ist au­ßer­dem eine ge­mein­sa­me Über­nach­tung der Pro­jekt­grup­pe auf der In­sel Neu­werk. Da Sim­bab­we kei­nen ei­ge­nen Zu­gang zum Meer hat, ist dies eine ech­te Ent­de­ckung: Das ers­te Mal im Le­ben auf ei­ner In­sel, das be­son­de­re Er­leb­nis von Ebbe und Flut, die Fahrt mit ei­nem Schiff.

In der zwei­ten Wo­che lädt die Pro­jekt­grup­pe zu ei­nem Sim­bab­we-Abend in die Schu­le ein. Es gibt Aus­flü­ge nach Ham­burg, ins Alte Land und die nä­he­re Um­ge­bung und am Ende dann eine herz­li­che Ver­ab­schie­dung in un­se­rer Aula.

So­wohl das Stader Ta­ge­blatt als auch die Kreis­zei­tung Wo­chen­blatt be­rich­ten über den Austausch.

Aussagen unserer Gäste über ihren Aufenthalt bei uns:

C. Vundla (Headmaster)

The coun­try

  • Time and plan­ning take cent­re stage in their way of life
  • clean ci­ties and tech­no­lo­gi­cal dri­ven infrastructure

The school IGS

  • The head of the school has a warm per­so­na­li­ty that culminates
  • The use of tech­no­lo­gy as tea­ching and lear­ning tool is our take home
  • Te­a­chers and stu­dents no words can ex­press our app­re­cia­ti­on for their love and care

Guest fa­mi­lies

  • He­art-warm­ing love to all our stu­dents and teachers
  • Take pri­de in as­sis­ting vi­si­tors with their own resources
  • Love and care will lea­ve an in­cre­di­ble mark in our he­arts for all our lives

Sta­de community

  • Sym­bol of love and unity with the church or­gan as their cen­tral spi­ri­tu­al centre
  • his­to­ri­cal buil­dings a cent­re of their pride

M. Noko (Teacher)

My im­pres­si­on about Ger­ma­ny is, that the coun­try looks clean and so much or­der­ly in all aspects. The sites are so in­te­res­t­ing which in­cludes the city of Ham­burg which is so good. We went to church, too and were so much im­pres­sed by the buil­ding its­elf and the or­gan. Of much in­te­rest was the vi­sit to the North Sea in which we used a fer­ry to go the­re and a hor­se wa­gon to come back. That was so much in­te­res­t­ing as for some of us it was our first time to have the experience.

A lot of ex­pe­ri­ence from the school system.
Ger­man schools are so much tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly dri­ven, ma­king the ge­ne­ral lear­ning en­vi­ron­ment more ap­pe­al­ing. The use of ICT in class is at its cli­max sin­ce ta­blets and in­ter­ac­ti­ve boards are be­ing used. Each lear­ner is so much en­cou­ra­ged to be hands on in the lear­ning sys­tem. My sto­ry would not be com­ple­te if I don’t men­ti­on that the peo­p­le of Ger­ma­ny are all so time-con­scious and that is an ex­cel­lent gesture.

Fi­nal­ly, the most im­portant thing that I can say about Ger­man peo­p­le is that the peo­p­le of Ger­ma­ny are so lo­ving and ca­ring. They have clo­se­ly knit fa­mi­lies whe­re the mem­bers che­rish each other. I so much app­re­cia­te my host fa­mi­ly. Thank you so much, Nele Rie­ken, may God rich­ly bless you in all aspects of life.

M. Zulu (Teacher)

Im­pres­si­ons on our vi­sit to Ger­ma­ny Msi­te­li Team 2022

It is not of­ten but one gets a chan­ce to vi­sit Eu­ro­pe, par­ti­cu­lar­ly if one is an or­di­na­ry working Zim­bab­wean — a school­te­a­cher for that mat­ter. For­t­u­na­te­ly, I had this chan­ce with two of my col­le­agues and th­ree stu­dents from Msi­te­li High as part of the ex­ch­an­ge pro­gram­me with IGS Sta­de com­pre­hen­si­ve school. My im­pres­si­on of the school – its size – it is such a big school with world class fa­ci­li­ties. The grounds are well kept and clean. Ever­y­thing is clo­se­ly coor­di­na­ted with tech­no­lo­gy at the cent­re of it all. The school also has an in­ter­na­tio­nal class, most­ly stu­dents from the Ukrai­ne – a won­derful in­itia­ti­ve. We also got the op­por­tu­ni­ty to vi­sit the town of­fices, the is­land of Neu­werk by fer­ry and our way back we came by hor­se car­ria­ge via the sea. I won‘t say much about this ex­pe­ri­ence. Fi­nal­ly, we had a Zim­bab­wean night with the Sta­de com­mu­ni­ty. We are gra­teful to ENSA, the spon­sors. What the fa­mi­lies of the stu­dents said that night show­ed that the ex­ch­an­ge Pro­gram­me has done much more par­ti­cu­lar­ly for the stu­dents. They are now glo­bal ci­ti­zens. Fi­nal­ly, the food – yes, the food. What an ex­pe­ri­ence with that. Thank you, Ger­ma­ny. It has been a won­derful ex­pe­ri­ence. To the dif­fe­rent fa­mi­lies that housed us – Si­yabon­ga. Thank you.

Aretha N. Chapendama (Student)

Im­pres­si­ons on the vi­sit to Germany

The ve­ge­ta­ti­on is ever­green which is dif­fe­rent from the one in Zim­bab­we hence ma­king the air more breat­ha­ble. The en­vi­ron­ment is well cared for e.g., the­re is no lit­te­ring, and the lit­ter is recycled.

The wea­ther is fri­end­ly and ad­ap­ta­ble, and the sur­roun­ding is peaceful (less noise).

The­re are nice peo­p­le (al­ways smi­ling and wel­co­ming). Good and dif­fe­rent ways of coo­king, a mix­tu­re of dif­fe­rent in­gre­di­ents crea­ting a masterpiece.

The­re is mo­di­fied ways of lear­ning and tea­ching ma­king ea­sier for sub­mis­si­on of ho­me­work and schoolwork.

Bukekile Nkala (Student)

It has been a won­derful ex­pe­ri­ence, so far, the peo­p­le are nice and fri­end­ly. The wea­ther is a bit chil­ly com­pared to ours but I‘m en­joy­ing it. I´m im­pres­sed with ever­y­thing about Ger­ma­ny start­ing from the school, it is very big, and the use of I‑Pads is a very good way to learn. It is fast, the Men­sa is a good idea, it can re­al­ly help a lot of child­ren. The way te­a­chers teach is very im­pres­si­ve. Ger­ma­ny has a lot of peaceful places; it is a nice place to be in and has a de­ve­lo­ped trans­port sys­tem and it’s good that you al­ways know the time when you need to catch a train or bus. The host fa­mi­lies have been very nice to us, and I feel at home. I have lear­nt a lot of things and I will im­ple­ment them in my jour­ney for­ward and I will share it with others. So, we can ch­an­ge the world for the better.

Cuthbert Mathuthu (Student)

My ex­pres­si­ons of the ex­ch­an­ge pro­gram vi­sit in Germany

First­ly, I was im­pres­sed by the cle­an­li­ne­ss of the en­vi­ron­ment across the coun­try both land and the sea. The trees are ever­green, and some have pur­ple lea­ves of which the­re are not the­re in Zimbabwe.

Se­cond­ly, the thing which im­pres­sed me most, was the way peo­p­le tra­vel across the main­land and the is­land wher­eby they use hor­se car­ria­ge when the wa­ter will be ta­ken by the moon for a short pe­ri­od of time.

At one point I was very sur­pri­sed to see hor­ses swim­ming in the wa­ter, which I would­n’t do if I was alo­ne. Ob­ser­ving the wo­man who knew the hor­ses, who wasn’t even afraid of the wa­ter le­vel. That made me ride in the cart wi­t­hout fear.

Last­ly, I was very im­pres­sed by the warm wel­co­me at IGS Sta­de, Ger­ma­ny and by my host fa­mi­ly. They are so love­ly and kind. Their love made me feel at home and loved so much.

Thank you!

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